Corporate Personality Test

For A More Objective & Informed Hire

Psychometric tests also known as Corporate personality tests are standardized and based on scientific strategies used to quantify people's psychological abilities and behavioral style. Psychometric tests are intended to quantify candidates' suitability for a job dependent on the necessary personality qualities and aptitude (or cognitive abilities). Psychometric Test Assessments recognize the best applicants and help you in making your recruiting choices quicker, simpler, and bias-free.

Evalground's Psychometric Assessments provide highly valid predictions by data driven decisions. You can evaluate a candidate's psychological compatibility with the intended position eliminating any deficiencies in a face-to-face interviewing process. Evaluate a candidate's psychological compatibility with the intended position eliminating any deficiencies in a face-to-face interviewing process.

“There is always more than what meets the eye.”

Use our Psychometric tests to predict a candidate’s real-world job performance using our extensive library of scientifically validated tests. Our one of a kind personality and psychometric tests will allow you to get to know your candidates as real people, with their behavioural traits and different personality aspects– not just pieces of paper. Boom. Gone are the days where you are spending endless time wasting on screening CVs and pre-qualifying candidates for interviews.

Our Best Corporate Personality Tests

Evalground’s psychometric tests automatically grades and ranks your candidates once they are done taking up the test. By the time you rest and savor a cup of coffee, you can simultaneously watch video responses of applicants to custom made questions. Our screening process is completely automated which lets you focus on the best people for the job.

Why HR Experts Rely On Psychometric Tests in Recruitment

Testing Beats Gut Feel

Use fair and standardised tests, rather than subjective selection through unreliable methods.

The results are measurable

Predicting how a person is going to behave, or react, or perform is no easy task.Quantifying the results of HR initiatives demonstrates that HR is a critical business function.

You don’t need a degree in psychology

Gone are the days of complex reports where a psychologist was needed to interpret esoteric psychometric test results.Beautifully designed, data rich and easy to read reports can now be instantly accessed online.

Positive Company Brand

Using psychometric tests can create a powerful first impression. It sends a clear message that the company invests effort to get the right people into the right job through the right process.Filtering personalities will help protect company culture.

Shape Your HR Strategy

It can cost over 200% of the candidate’s salary to replace a skilled position. Meta-analytical studies have shown that our a can improve recruitment outcomes by up to 24%.

What Gets Measured, Gets Managed

Evalground offers a detailed analysis supported with graphs, that will help Quantifying intangible human behaviour. Reports that have taken organizational Psychologists over five decades of researching, creating and rigorously testing are available for recruiters in a matter of minutes. Our results are robust enough to predict when and why a said candidate will be successful or not in a given job. Candidates's results based on our tests can strongly predict a number of different work-related factors like: Future job performance, Emotional intelligence, Reliability and validity Individual development Motivators and lots more.